Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finishing the list...

So I finally finished my 101 list, and I am very eager to start! I would start now, but it seems to make a lot more sense to wait until the 1st of September, seeing as how many of my goals are monthly. I drew inspiration for many of my list items from many others' lists on-line, and I'm excited about all of the fun ideas that I found. The first 40 items were easy to come up with, but then it took me another 2 weeks to finish my list. Now that it's complete I continue to think of more ideas, so I've had to add some new ones and remove some things from my original 101. Hopefully, I will be able to stick with what I have now. My dear friends Terrie and Ryan are also starting on Sept. 1st, so I'm glad to have someone to motivate me and compare notes with. Yay! I can't wait to start!

101 in 1,001

And here is my list...

For my relationship:

  1. Go to 15 live music events with Mike (15/15) Dark Star Orchestra (x2), Widespread Panic (x3), Railroad Earth, North Mississippi All-Stars, Wishbone, Toots & the Maytals, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Monte Montgomery, The Gourds, Charlie Mars, Bob Schneider
  2. Go to church with Mike at least ten times (10/10)
  3. Take Mike to NYC to see Conan O’Brien
  4. Cook a nice meal for Mike at least 250 times (250/250)
  5. Have Mike teach me 5 songs on the guitar (0/5)
  6. Take Mike back to Albuquerque
  7. Get a couple’s massage (completed 12/7/09)
  8. Take Mike skiing
  9. Take Mike to a Cowboys game (completed 12/20/08)
  10. Make him a fabulous breakfast in bed (completed 1/5/09)
  11. Take Mike to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore and hike to the Devils Bathtub

For my health:

  1. Lose 10 lbs
  2. Complete the 100 push-ups program
  3. Run in 5 different 5 Ks (0/5)
  4. Post food and exercise on at least once a week (16/144)
  5. Go to the dentist (completed 9/21/09)
  6. Lift weights at least 400 times (400/400)
  7. Take a dance class
  8. Eat vegetarian for 1 week
  9. Complete the couch to 5K program
  10. Go for 1 month with only 4 alcoholic beverages
  11. Keep a food journal for 1 week (completed 2/9/10)

For my puppies:

  1. Take Conan & Rory out at to a park or lake at least 300 times (200/300)
  2. Teach Conan & Rory 5 new tricks (1/5) "high-five"
  3. Teach Rory not to pull on the leash
  4. Make them homemade treats on their birthday
  5. Give them a bath at least once a month (20/30)
  6. Hike with the dogs all the way around Lake Georgetown (28 miles is a LONG way!)
  7. Finish reading my dog psychology book

For my career:

  1. Complete Substitute Teacher Training (completed 9/9/08)
  2. Substitute teach in one 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade class (completed 11/6/08)
  3. Obtain my Teaching Certificate
  4. Obtain a full-time teaching position
  5. Study for and pass the GRE
  6. Enroll in my graduate program
  7. Become a volunteer at the Georgetown Public Library

For my stomach:

  1. Learn to make at least 5 different hummus recipes (5/5) (completed 8/31/09)
  2. Perfect my black bean burger recipe
  3. Use all of my certificates
  4. Try 10 new restaurants in the Austin area (10/10) Flying Saucer, McCormick & Schmicks, Cisco's, Red Brick Pizza, Maria Maria, Jaspers, Flemmings, Peche, 360 Primo, Quatros, Mako (completed 10/19/09)
  5. Visit 3 local farmers’ markets (1/3) Georgetown
  6. Learn to make 5 types of sushi (0/5)
  7. Go to Walburg and eat a famous Walburger

For my house:

  1. Learn to clean the house at least twice a month or find someone inexpensive to do the job
  2. Finish decorating the dining room
  3. Redecorate the master bedroom (completed 6/30/09)
  4. Replace the siding on the house
  5. Replace the carpet in the master bedroom
  6. Decorate Mike’s music room (completed 5/1/09)

For my wallet:

  1. Replenish my savings back to $10,000
  2. Transfer my IRA into a better account (completed 4/16/10)
  3. Create a new budget
  4. Have 10 "NO SPEND DAYS" per month (330/330)
  5. Add $10 to my savings account for every item on the list completed (5/101)
  6. Go for three months on a $75 restaurant budget (3/3)

For my family & friends:

  1. Send birthday and holiday cards on time at least 20 times (21/20) (completed 10/29/09)
  2. Mail out 10 cards just to say “Hi” (0/10)
  3. Call Gamma at least once a month (30/30)
  4. Email colsta at least once a month (30/30) (Completed 2/17/10)
  5. Make a calendar book with all of mine and Mike's family members' birthdays
  6. Go on another vacation with Mom & Kelli (completed 3/19/10)
  7. Plan (and attend) another girls weekend
  8. Visit Terrie & Ryan in Florida

For my planet:

  1. Plant 2 more trees in our yard (2/2) (completed 6/4/09)
  2. Donate 101 material items to Goodwill (completed 10/17/08)
  3. Replant flower garden in the front yard using my own organic compost (completed 3/6/09)
  4. Take reusable bags to the grocery store at least 10 times (8/10)
  5. Put socket sealers into all of my electric sockets
  6. Buy 2 new Energy Star appliances (0/2)
  7. Buy solar panels for the house
  8. Grow 3 new kinds of vegetables in the garden each summer

Just because I need to:

  1. Buy a new car
  2. Get a new insurance policy (completed 2/6/09)
  3. Buy an external hard drive and back-up both computers (completed 9/14/08)
  4. Reorganize every closet in the house (2/6) linen closet, towel closet
  5. Buy a new mattress (completed 10/15/08)
  6. Learn how to use the handgun (completed 1/18/10)
  7. Clean my car inside and out 5 times (5/5)
  8. Clean the refrigerator and pantry every other month (10/15)

Just for fun:

  1. Get certified to Scuba dive
  2. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
  3. Read at least 30 new books (20/30)
  4. Watch the Academy Awards Best Picture winners from the last 69 years (31/69)
  5. Go to the top 100 bars in Austin that I have not yet been to (1/35)
  6. Go back into Airman’s Cave and find the Sculpture Room
  7. Use my passport 5 times (5/5) Spain, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Gernmany
  8. Tie-dye something
  9. Go ice skating
  10. Read the Twilight book series (Completed 12/5/08)
  11. See a movie at a drive-in theater
  12. Go to a Georgetown High School football game
  13. Attend a performance at the Palace Theater (The Producers, completed 10/18/08)
  14. Visit the Austin Museum of Art
  15. Visit 5 of the USA’s top 41 wonders (3/5) Alaskan Cruise, Mount Rushmore, Las Vegas Strip
  16. Ride a train
  17. Apply for a game show
  18. Go camping at least 8 times (4/8) Inks Lake, Krause Springs, Colorado Bend State Park, Inks Lake,
  19. Visit 3 wineries in Texas (0/3)

For Celebration:

  1. Create a new list of 101 things to do when this list is completed
  2. Reward myself with a nice dinner out when my list is completed
  3. Use a portion of my list savings to buy something beautiful and timeless for myself