Thursday, October 30, 2008

#65, #76 & #92 - Busy month!

So on Columbus Day, Mike & I drove down to Austin to take his Dad to the airport. We both had the day off and decided to hang around Austin for a bit, so I suggested we check out some furniture stores. I had been complaining about our bed for quite awhile and was more than ready to get a new one. We ended up buying an entire King size bedroom set, which we're both in love with and have been sleeping great ever since. Which led me to #76, "Buy a new mattress." While shopping for it all was stressful and we were in a big time crunch to find one because our furniture was quickly delivered, it was all worth the stress and money. Now I'm just waiting for my new duvet cover to come and I need some more art for the walls, but I'm quickly on my way to having a fully redecorated Master bedroom.

Also, while in the process of clearing out the old dressers and making room for the new furniture, we came up with 188 items to donate to Goodwill (and we still have lots more to sort through and donate), so I also completed #65 in the process. The same day our furniture came, the local theater company in Georgetown, the Palace Theater, was putting on a production of "The Producers," and I was able to score a free pair of tickets through Free Night of Theater. Mike was less than enthusiastic because there was a UT game on, but in the end, we both loved it and were so glad that we decided to go. So I also completed #92, "Attend a performance at the Palace Theater."

I've been working on many other goals this month. I finished the 2nd Twighlight book, and today I finished my 2nd week of the Couch to 5K program. Also, Mike & I went to see Railroad Earth (a bluegrass/rock band) at Antone's a few nights ago, which was surprisingly enjoyable. And I've been working a lot on cooking more at home and keeping the house clean. All in all, it's been a great October, but I can't wait for my Spain vacation in November.


cmonster said...

wow! super busy girl! That is really exciting about your new bedroom furniture--I wish our room was big enough to play around with furniture options. It looks comfy :)

Anonymous said...

What a great bedroom set!

101 in 1,001

And here is my list...

For my relationship:

  1. Go to 15 live music events with Mike (15/15) Dark Star Orchestra (x2), Widespread Panic (x3), Railroad Earth, North Mississippi All-Stars, Wishbone, Toots & the Maytals, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Monte Montgomery, The Gourds, Charlie Mars, Bob Schneider
  2. Go to church with Mike at least ten times (10/10)
  3. Take Mike to NYC to see Conan O’Brien
  4. Cook a nice meal for Mike at least 250 times (250/250)
  5. Have Mike teach me 5 songs on the guitar (0/5)
  6. Take Mike back to Albuquerque
  7. Get a couple’s massage (completed 12/7/09)
  8. Take Mike skiing
  9. Take Mike to a Cowboys game (completed 12/20/08)
  10. Make him a fabulous breakfast in bed (completed 1/5/09)
  11. Take Mike to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore and hike to the Devils Bathtub

For my health:

  1. Lose 10 lbs
  2. Complete the 100 push-ups program
  3. Run in 5 different 5 Ks (0/5)
  4. Post food and exercise on at least once a week (16/144)
  5. Go to the dentist (completed 9/21/09)
  6. Lift weights at least 400 times (400/400)
  7. Take a dance class
  8. Eat vegetarian for 1 week
  9. Complete the couch to 5K program
  10. Go for 1 month with only 4 alcoholic beverages
  11. Keep a food journal for 1 week (completed 2/9/10)

For my puppies:

  1. Take Conan & Rory out at to a park or lake at least 300 times (200/300)
  2. Teach Conan & Rory 5 new tricks (1/5) "high-five"
  3. Teach Rory not to pull on the leash
  4. Make them homemade treats on their birthday
  5. Give them a bath at least once a month (20/30)
  6. Hike with the dogs all the way around Lake Georgetown (28 miles is a LONG way!)
  7. Finish reading my dog psychology book

For my career:

  1. Complete Substitute Teacher Training (completed 9/9/08)
  2. Substitute teach in one 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade class (completed 11/6/08)
  3. Obtain my Teaching Certificate
  4. Obtain a full-time teaching position
  5. Study for and pass the GRE
  6. Enroll in my graduate program
  7. Become a volunteer at the Georgetown Public Library

For my stomach:

  1. Learn to make at least 5 different hummus recipes (5/5) (completed 8/31/09)
  2. Perfect my black bean burger recipe
  3. Use all of my certificates
  4. Try 10 new restaurants in the Austin area (10/10) Flying Saucer, McCormick & Schmicks, Cisco's, Red Brick Pizza, Maria Maria, Jaspers, Flemmings, Peche, 360 Primo, Quatros, Mako (completed 10/19/09)
  5. Visit 3 local farmers’ markets (1/3) Georgetown
  6. Learn to make 5 types of sushi (0/5)
  7. Go to Walburg and eat a famous Walburger

For my house:

  1. Learn to clean the house at least twice a month or find someone inexpensive to do the job
  2. Finish decorating the dining room
  3. Redecorate the master bedroom (completed 6/30/09)
  4. Replace the siding on the house
  5. Replace the carpet in the master bedroom
  6. Decorate Mike’s music room (completed 5/1/09)

For my wallet:

  1. Replenish my savings back to $10,000
  2. Transfer my IRA into a better account (completed 4/16/10)
  3. Create a new budget
  4. Have 10 "NO SPEND DAYS" per month (330/330)
  5. Add $10 to my savings account for every item on the list completed (5/101)
  6. Go for three months on a $75 restaurant budget (3/3)

For my family & friends:

  1. Send birthday and holiday cards on time at least 20 times (21/20) (completed 10/29/09)
  2. Mail out 10 cards just to say “Hi” (0/10)
  3. Call Gamma at least once a month (30/30)
  4. Email colsta at least once a month (30/30) (Completed 2/17/10)
  5. Make a calendar book with all of mine and Mike's family members' birthdays
  6. Go on another vacation with Mom & Kelli (completed 3/19/10)
  7. Plan (and attend) another girls weekend
  8. Visit Terrie & Ryan in Florida

For my planet:

  1. Plant 2 more trees in our yard (2/2) (completed 6/4/09)
  2. Donate 101 material items to Goodwill (completed 10/17/08)
  3. Replant flower garden in the front yard using my own organic compost (completed 3/6/09)
  4. Take reusable bags to the grocery store at least 10 times (8/10)
  5. Put socket sealers into all of my electric sockets
  6. Buy 2 new Energy Star appliances (0/2)
  7. Buy solar panels for the house
  8. Grow 3 new kinds of vegetables in the garden each summer

Just because I need to:

  1. Buy a new car
  2. Get a new insurance policy (completed 2/6/09)
  3. Buy an external hard drive and back-up both computers (completed 9/14/08)
  4. Reorganize every closet in the house (2/6) linen closet, towel closet
  5. Buy a new mattress (completed 10/15/08)
  6. Learn how to use the handgun (completed 1/18/10)
  7. Clean my car inside and out 5 times (5/5)
  8. Clean the refrigerator and pantry every other month (10/15)

Just for fun:

  1. Get certified to Scuba dive
  2. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
  3. Read at least 30 new books (20/30)
  4. Watch the Academy Awards Best Picture winners from the last 69 years (31/69)
  5. Go to the top 100 bars in Austin that I have not yet been to (1/35)
  6. Go back into Airman’s Cave and find the Sculpture Room
  7. Use my passport 5 times (5/5) Spain, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Gernmany
  8. Tie-dye something
  9. Go ice skating
  10. Read the Twilight book series (Completed 12/5/08)
  11. See a movie at a drive-in theater
  12. Go to a Georgetown High School football game
  13. Attend a performance at the Palace Theater (The Producers, completed 10/18/08)
  14. Visit the Austin Museum of Art
  15. Visit 5 of the USA’s top 41 wonders (3/5) Alaskan Cruise, Mount Rushmore, Las Vegas Strip
  16. Ride a train
  17. Apply for a game show
  18. Go camping at least 8 times (4/8) Inks Lake, Krause Springs, Colorado Bend State Park, Inks Lake,
  19. Visit 3 wineries in Texas (0/3)

For Celebration:

  1. Create a new list of 101 things to do when this list is completed
  2. Reward myself with a nice dinner out when my list is completed
  3. Use a portion of my list savings to buy something beautiful and timeless for myself